Doctors Prescribing Opioids in Good Faith Should Not Be Prosecuted
The Supreme Court will consider a case that has had a chilling effect on medical practice
Doctors Prescribing Opioids in Good Faith Should Not Be Prosecuted
The Supreme Court will consider a case that has had a chilling effect on medical practice
Texting Thumb, Trigger Finger, Gamer’s Thumb and Other Smartphone Injuries
What causes them and how to protect yourself
2021 Medicine Nobel Prize Winner Explains the Importance of Sensing Touch
Ardem Patapoutian shared the physiology or medicine prize for work on mechanisms crucial to everything from bladder control to knowing where our limbs are
Can Psychedelic Drugs Treat Physical Pain?
LSD and psilocybin increasingly show promise as mental health treatments. Now universities and companies are exploring their use in pain management
What Made Dinos Sore?
A new review digs into how the terrible lizards dealt with aches and pains
Why the Pain Drug That Killed Prince Can Be Especially Dangerous
Fentanyl’s fast action is great for pain relief but adds to its risks
Does Financial Insecurity Lead to More Physical Pain?
Growing evidence suggests a link
The Battle over Pain in the Brain
A new study adds to a heated debate about where pain signals are processed
5 Tips to Cope with Chronic Pain
Chronic pain can be in your neck, back and anywhere else. It can disrupt your work, your relationships and, by extension, your mental health. This week, Savvy Psychologist Dr. Ellen Hendriksen offers five tips to deal with the common challenge of chronic pain
How to Treat a Headache without Drugs
If you find yourself taking headache medication more often than you'd like, try these drug-free approaches next time a headache looms
Subliminal Messages Influence Our Experience of Pain
The brain can learn to associate certain images with more or less pain, even if the images never reach our awareness
Sex Divide Seen in Mechanism That Produces Persistent Pain
Male and female mice are found to regulate pain sensitivity differently, a result which could explain why some drug experiments have failed