Supermassive Black Hole Feeding Frenzies May Explain Blinking Quasars
A new simulation shows black holes ripping apart and consuming their accretion disk in a matter of months, which may explain why some quasars quickly brighten and dim
Stephanie Pappas is a freelance science journalist based in Denver, Colo.
Supermassive Black Hole Feeding Frenzies May Explain Blinking Quasars
A new simulation shows black holes ripping apart and consuming their accretion disk in a matter of months, which may explain why some quasars quickly brighten and dim
What Happens if You Drop Antimatter? New Gravitational Test Sees First Fall
In theory, physicists knew that antimatter should behave just like matter under gravity’s pull. But until now, no one had ever seen it happen
Bizarre Quantum Theory Explains Why Your Coffee Takes So Long to Drip through a Narrow Filter
Physicist John Cardy and his colleague just won the 2024 Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics. We spoke with Cardy about conformal field theory, 2D black holes and coffee filters
NASA’s Gorgeous New Moon Image Paints Shackleton Crater in Light and Shadow
A new NASA instrument allows researchers to view the bright and permanently shadowed portions of the moon’s Shackleton Crater at the same time
Mistranslation of Newton’s First Law Discovered after Nearly 300 Years
A new interpretation of Isaac Newton’s writings clarifies what the father of classical mechanics meant in his first law of motion
Online Talk Therapy Works as Well as an In-Person Session, a New Study Shows
A study of 27,500 patients in the U.K.’s health system suggests that getting people into mental health treatment faster is a huge boon of online therapy
The Hot Secret behind a Deep-Sea ‘Octopus Garden’
Thousands of usually solitary octopuses gather to brood eggs in a special spot off California
Can Dogs Use Language?
The “button dogs” of TikTok seem to be learning human words. What’s really going on?
Fountains of Diamonds Erupt as Supercontinents Break Up
Researchers have discovered a pattern where diamonds spew from deep beneath Earth’s surface in huge, explosive volcanic eruptions
‘Quantum Superchemistry’ Observed for the First Time Ever
A new type of chemistry performed at very cold temperatures on very small particles enables quick, precise reactions
Is Climate Change Causing More Record-Breaking Hail?
Enormous hailstones raise the question of whether global warming will intensify hailstorms
Are Naps Good for You?
Here’s the science on whether naps have short- and long-term benefits for your health
Why Do Dogs Tilt Their Head to the Side?
The attentive and endearing doggy head tilt might indicate your pup is trying to process what you’re saying
Subtle Movements That Precede Earthquakes Raise Questions about Predicting Disaster
Researchers have found a subtle signal that occurs two hours before major quakes, hinting that earthquake prediction is inching closer to possibility
JWST Might Have Spotted the First Dark Matter Stars
Stars fueled by the self-annihilation of dark matter might have been spotted for the first time by JWST
School’s Out. Should You Worry about the ‘Summer Slide’?
Kids don’t typically advance academically during the summer, but the research isn’t clear on whether they forget what they’ve already learned
What Happens in the Vagus Does Not Stay in the Vagus
The vagus nerve is the key information expressway between the brain and most internal organs. So what happens in the vagus nerve can impact the entire body
In a First, Scientists See Neutrinos Emitted by the Milky Way
The disk of our galaxy was long thought to produce these ghostly high-energy particles, but they haven’t been detected until now
Wildfires and Smoke Are Harming People’s Mental Health. Here’s How to Cope
Wildfires can have mental health impacts, both among those who are directly affected and those who find themselves under a blanket of smoke
Which Creature Was the First to Take a Nap?
Animals have been catching z’s for at least half a billion years. Here’s the first evidence of an animal sleeping
How to Use the Air Quality Index
Here’s how to read the Air Quality Index and protect yourself from unhealthy air
How Much Worry about Mass Shootings Is Too Much?
Mass shootings are causing widespread anxiety among Americans. A new screening tool could identify those who are impacted enough to need mental health support
Why Has a Group of Orcas Suddenly Started Attacking Boats?
Killer whales in a group near Spain and Portugal may be teaching one another to mess with small boats. They sank their third vessel earlier this month
The First Kiss in Recorded History Dates Back Nearly 5,000 Years
Kissing probably predates Homo sapiens as a species, but the first texts documenting the beso go back to the early Bronze Age