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Scientific American Magazine Vol 278 Issue 6

Scientific American Magazine

Volume 278, Issue 6

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The Neurobiology of Depression

The search for biological underpinnings of depression is intensifying. Emerging findings promise to yield better therapies for a disorder that too often proves fatal

Charles B. Nemeroff

A New Look at Quasars

Recent observations from the Hubble Space Telescope may reveal the nature and origin of quasars, the mysterious powerhouses of the cosmos

Michael Disney

Shrimp Aquaculture and the Environment

An adviser to shrimp producers and an environmentalist present a prescription for raising shrimp responsibly

Claude E. Boyd, Jason W. Clay

Quantum Computing with Molecules

By taking advantage of nuclear magnetic resonance, scientists can coax the molecules in some ordinary liquids to serve as an extraordinary type of computer

Isaac L. Chuang, Neil Gershenfeld

Gravity Gradiometry

A formerly classified technique used to navigate ballistic-missile submarines now helps geologists search for resources hidden underground

Robin E. Bell

Alcohol in the Western World

The role of alcohol in Western civilization has changed dramatically during this millennium. Our current medical interpretation of alcohol as primarily an agent of disease comes after a more complex historical relationship

Bert L. Vallee

Defibrillation: the Spark of Life

In the 50 years since doctors first used electricity to restart the human heart, we have learned much about defibrillators and little about fibrillation

Mickey S. Eisenberg

If you don't have a Defibrillator

Carl E. Bartecchi


Not Just a Fish Story


50, 100 and 150 Years Ago: Fungus Infection, Hydrogen Liquefied and A Female First

Culturing New Life

Lupus in Limbo

Good News for the Greenhouse

Mesozoic Mystery Tour

In Brief, June 1998

The Blight is Back

U.S. Wetlands

The Prevention Pill

Greatness Thrust upon it

Where the Bodies Lie

Star Warned

Running on MMT?

Millennium Bug Zapper

Confidentially Yours

Eye in the Sky

The Web Learns to Read

Waiter, there's a Hair in My Hygrometer

What a Coincidence!

Reviews and Commentaries--An Attempt to Link the Sciences and Humanities

Where Fiction Became Ancient Fact

Scribble, Scribble

Digital Cameras--Working Knowledge

Letters to the Editors, June 1998