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Scientific American Magazine Vol 196 Issue 5

Scientific American Magazine

Volume 196, Issue 5

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Vanishing Cultures

Small groups of men who live in the Stone Age may still be studied in remote corners of the world. They are fast dying out, presenting anthropologists with an emergency

Robert Heine-Geldern

The Shortest Radio Waves

At the border between infrared and radio waves lie electromagnetic ripples measured in millimeters. They are now made in the laboratory, where they are used to study the properties of atoms and molecules

Walter Gordy

The Reticular Formation

This recently discovered network of cells in the brain has many vital functions, notably arousing and maintaining consciousness and choosing between important and unimportant sensory messages

J. D. French

The Heart

It pumps five quarts of blood in a minute, 75 gallons in an hour, 70 barrels in a day and 18 million barrels in 70 years. It does this by means of the most intricately woven muscle in the body

Carl J. Wiggers

"Nicolas Bourbaki"

Using this whimsical pseudonym, derived from the name of a general in the Franco-Prussian War, a group of young French mathematicians has written 20 volumes of an extraordinary treatise on mathematics

Paul R. Halmos

Diffusion in Metals

At the atomic level a metal is not as solid as it seems. Atoms, including its own, may wander through it. They may even diffuse out of one metal into another which is in close contact with it

B. D. Cullity

The Dying Oaks

During the past 30 years a deadly fungus disease has been steadily spreading through the U. S. oak population. Fortunately the disease can be controlled, but to control it will require strong measures

George S. Avery

A Study in the Evolution of Birds

The head of the guillemot is either all black or bridled, i. e., decorated with markings resembling spectacles. This phenomenon, known as polymorphism, is a clue to the operation of evolution

H. N. Southern


Letters to the Editors, May 1957

Errata - May 1957

50 and 100 Years Ago: May 1957

The Authors

Science and the Citizen: May 1957

Books - May 1957

Mathematical Games - May 1957

The Amateur Scientist - May 1957

Bibliography - May 1957