Math Can Help Solve Social Justice Problems
Mathematicians are working on ways to use their field to tackle major social issues, such as social inequality and the need for gender equity
Math Can Help Solve Social Justice Problems
Mathematicians are working on ways to use their field to tackle major social issues, such as social inequality and the need for gender equity
Disasters Displaced More Than 26 Million People in 2023
Floods, wildfires, droughts and earthquakes forced more than 26 million people to leave their homes in 2023
The Famine Developing in Gaza Follows a Clear Pattern
Famine is affecting an increasing number of people in Gaza, Sudan, Haiti and elsewhere around the globe, and its development follows a clear pattern
The Untold Story of the Black Nurses Who Helped Develop a Cure for Tuberculosis
Black nurses worked through unsanitary conditions and racial prejudice to help patients through the debilitating disease TB before a cure was found—with their help
‘Consent’ Searches Don’t Stop Drug Trafficking. They Threaten Privacy Rights
U.S. police embraced frequent “consent” searches of motorists during the “tough on crime” era. These searches, meant to sidestep privacy rights, are both racially misapplied and ineffective
Toilet Taboos Can Make Scientific Fieldwork Dangerous
Reluctance to talk about bathroom breaks can make fieldwork uncomfortable and even dangerous. Some scientists want that to change
Young Researchers of Color Need Better Mentors
Universities need to train their faculty to be better mentors to students of color, and to understand these students’ vulnerabilities
The Members of This Reservation Learned They Live with Nuclear Weapons. Can Their Reality Ever Be the Same?
The Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara peoples are learning more about the missiles siloed on their lands, and that knowledge has put the preservation of their culture and heritage in even starker relief.
What Would It Mean to 'Absorb' a Nuclear Attack?
The missiles on the Fort Berthold Reservation in North Dakota make it a potential target for a nuclear attack. And that doesn’t come close to describing what the reality would be for those on the ground.
ChatGPT Replicates Gender Bias in Recommendation Letters
A new study has found that the use of AI tools such as ChatGPT in the workplace entrenches biased language based on gender
If You Had a Nuclear Weapon in Your Neighborhood, Would You Want to Know about It?
The Fort Berthold Reservation in North Dakota has had nuclear missile silos on its land for decades. Now the U.S. government wants to take the old weapons out and replace them with new ones, and it’s unclear how many living there know about that.
Just One U.S. Reservation Hosts Nuclear Weapons. This Is The Story of How That Came to Be
15 nuclear missiles deployed in underground concrete silos across the Fort Berthold reservation in North Dakota. It took displacement and flood to get them there.