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Scientific American Magazine Vol 271 Issue 4

Scientific American Magazine

Volume 271, Issue 4

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Life in the Universe

We comprehend the universe and our place in it. But there are limits to what we can explain at present. Will research at the boundaries of science reveal a special role for intelligent life?

Steven Weinberg

The Evolution of the Universe

Some 15 billion years ago the universe emerged from a hot, dense sea of matter and energy. As the cosmos expanded and cooled, it spawned galaxies, stars, planets and life

P. James E. Peebles, David N. Schramm, Edwin L. Turner, Richard G. Kron

The Earth's Elements

The elements that make up the earth and its inhabitants were created by earlier generations of stars

Robert P. Kirshner

The Evolution of the Earth

The formation of this planet and its atmosphere gave rise to life, which shaped the earth's subsequent development. Our future lies in interpreting this geologic past

Claude J. Allègre, Stephen H. Schneider

The Origin of Life on the Earth

Growing evidence supports the idea that the emergence of catalytic RNA was a crucial early step. How that RNA came into being remains unknown

Leslie E. Orgel

The Evolution of Life on the Earth

The history of life is not necessarily progressive;it is certainly not predictable. The earth's creatures have evolved through a series of contingent and fortuitous events

Stephen Jay Gould

The Emergence of Intelligence

Language, foresight, musical skills and other hallmarks of intelligence are connected through an underlying facility that enhances rapid movements

William H. Calvin

Will Robots Inherit the Earth?

Yes, as we engineer replacement bodies and brains using nanotechnology. We will then live longer, possess greater wisdom and enjoy capabilities as yet unimagined

Marvin Minsky

Sustaining Life on the Earth

Hope for an environmentally sustainable future lies in evolving institutions technology and global concern

Robert W. Kates

The Search for Extraterrestrial Life

The earth remains the only inhabited world known so far, but scientists are finding that the universe abounds with the chemistry of life

Carl Sagan



Letters to the Editors, October 1994

50 and 100 Years Ago: Penicillin Production and Life on Mars?

By Jove!

Standing Tall

What's in a Name?

A Healthy Mess

Fishy Repair Jobs


High Profile

Unearthing History

Wall Street

Ready or Not


Making Drugs Count

State of Shock

Is a Bright Idea Flickering?

Building an Electronic Neuron

Book Reviews--Flows and Floods

Descartes' Error and the Future of Human Life