Has AI Already Brought Us the Terminator Future?
Is baby Skynet already here? We need robust laws now to withstand eliminating humans from nuclear decision-making
Tamlyn Hunt is a scholar and writer, with a focus on the philosophy of mind, and is affiliated with the University of California, Santa Barbara. He is author of Eco, Ego, Eros: Essays in Philosophy, Spirituality, and Science and blogs at Medium.com.
Has AI Already Brought Us the Terminator Future?
Is baby Skynet already here? We need robust laws now to withstand eliminating humans from nuclear decision-making
AI Safety Research Only Enables the Dangers of Runaway Superintelligence
AI will become inscrutable and uncontrollable. We need to stop AI development until we have a necessary safety conversation
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Artificial intelligence algorithms will soon reach a point of rapid self-improvement that threatens our ability to control them and poses great potential risk to humanity
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